Integrated Transformational Training Programs ®

It represents the newest and most efficient transformational method for organizations and is used only by companies that specialize in business management consultancy and it focuses on the transfer of methodology to the top management of a company.
The programs are based on a professional fusion between a specialized training program and consultancy for generating and implementing more than 40 organizational projects.

The projects generated by our training programs have, at their core, a wide plethora of methodologies, methods, and instruments, professional software for audit and diagnosis, mechanisms for managing changes and complete deliverables.


Top & Executive Management
The program assures the entire consulting methodology in reorganizing, developing and consolidating a business ...
Middle & Talents Management
The program ensures the complete equipping of a manager with all the skills necessary to manage the performance of a team ...
Sales Force Management
The program ensures the transfer of all the skills, mechanisms and deliverables necessary to achieve the company's sales objectives ...
Consultancy for Company Reorganization
The program provides all the methodology needed for an internal consulting process ...


GM Masterclass Academy
The program consists of six professional modules and is based on a full consulting methodology that can reorganize, develop and consolidate a business...
Business Coaching Academy
The program can be regarded as a true arsenal of techniques and in-depth expertise in behavioral psychology applied in coaching, able to develop and equip...
GM Sales Academy
Methodology necessary for company presidents and general managers in Romania who want to reorganize, develop and consolidate their sales department...
Executive Marketing Academy
Complete consultancy methodology needed in the field of strategic marketing...
Professional Recruitment Systems
Methodologies, techniques and in-depth skills for designing and implementing a professional recruitment and selection system...
Professional Appraisal Systems
Mechanisms for creating and implementing a professional evaluation system...
Business Communication Usances
Complete methodology for cognitive-behavioral decoding, decoding lies in interactions, and for acquiring usances designed for improving business communication and etiquette...
Sales Force Academy
Methodology for implementing a consultative selling system...
Talent Management Academy
Complete methodology for managing the performance of a team and for increasing it...