Business Communication Usances

Program’s Coordinates

Number of participants/group

No. of days/module

Course: 3 days;



The Consultants of the Program

Petre Nicolae

Program target group

Presidents and Chief Executives

Professional negotiators


Certification type / issuing authority

CBC Romania

Number of modules


No.implemented projects/program


Delivrables of the Program


Brief description of the program

The course is intended for business people who want a complete methodology for cognitive-behavioral decoding and for decoding lies in interactions, and also for acquiring usances designed for improving business communication and etiquette.

Program’s results – benchmark

Participants in this program


Projects generated and implemented


Sefi fericiti


Delivrables of the program

Purpose and objectives for the program
  1. Transferring professional communication methods, mechanisms, and tools only used by a small group of people highly educated in the business-specific communication.
  2. Implementing 10 professional communication mechanisms for business.
  3. Quick and easy implementation of at least 5 professional business communication projects to be used in the business field and in your company.
  4. Quickly making the necessary changes in the organization due to the fact that it comes from managers who want to replace their old ways with new ones.
  5. Obvious differentiation between CBC Romania’s program and other training programs on the Romanian market, due to the fact that we use an Integrated Transformational Training Program (TIT®).
Basic concepts of the program
  1. People’s mechanisms for thought and action.
  2. Behavioral patterns of those around.
  3. Scanning the way those around us reason and how they approach things based on their personal way of reasoning:
    • Rigor Mentis, precarious reasoning; Reasoning based on logic; Emotional reasoning.
  4. Decoding the simulative behaviors of others and their attitudes.
  5. Identifying people with cognitive dissonance and their how they approach profession-related issues.
  6. Managing relationships with people who have difficult personalities.
  7. Knowledge and use of assertive and professional language.
  8. Anticipating verbal reactions and decoding the nonverbal ones.
  9. Positive behavioral programming of others.
  10. Managerial communication techniques in the relationship with the team members and with others.
  11. Deploying communication and behavioral usances in business.
  12. In-depth skills in using traps and barriers in communicating with others.
  13. ….
Concrete and immediate results of the program 
  1. Complete mechanisms for changing attitudes and negative behaviors and switching to constructive, positive and healthy attitudes.
  2. Mechanisms for etiquette and professional communication to be used in business meetings.
  3. Mechanisms for scanning thought and action patterns of others.
  4. Mechanisms and formats for a professional way of communicating based on the use of techniques for managerial communication:
    • Interrogation Techniques; Listening techniques; Techniques for checking perceptions; Feedback techniques;
    • Techniques for initiating a negative-constructive critique.
  5. Mechanisms for addressing and managing relations with people who have difficult personalities and approaching them in a specific way, specially tailored for them:
    • Anxious individuals; Depressive individuals; Aggressive individuals; Passive individuals; Schizoids;
  6. Five turnkey projects which encompass all the necessary mechanisms, methods, to, ls and delivrables:
    • Organizational culture with a focus on sharing;
    • Organizational culture with a focus on feedback;
    • Organizational culture with a focus on assertive communication;
    • ….