Business Coaching Academy

Business Coaching License
A message for future Business Coaches

Before we try to help others develop and find balance, we must take responsibility for our own development, to ensure and strengthen our own psychological balance. In other words, we can not help others find stability, if we have major imbalances in our lives.


Brief description of the program

This is a professional program, and it is comprised of three modules. The form of accreditation will consist of a license in Business Coaching.

The program can be regarded as a true arsenal of techniques and in-depth expertise in behavioral psychology applied in coaching, able to develop and equip anyone with the skills necessary to carry out individual or group coaching and become a professional business coach.

Business Coaching Academy

The coordinates of the program

Number of participants/group

25 – 32

Nr. of days/module

Course: 3 days;



Program Consultants

Petre Nicolae

Program target group

General Managers;
Entrepreneurs and owners;
Business Management Consultants;
Children of Owners.

Type of certificate/issuing authority


“Business Coach”


Specialist in Business Coaching

Number of modules


Nr. of implemented projects/ program

250 hours of activity

5 clients contracted


Full methodology for developing transformational leadership skills according to 10 areas of expertise described below.

Program expertise description

Business Coaching Academy® is the only professional program in Romania that provides a complete methodology for Business Coaching with the purpose of developing performance, reconstructing managers and helping them in their personal development process.

The program is focused on solving three fundamental issues, namely:

  1. Psychological stability, the ability to easily recover from traumatic life experiences.
  2. Gain expertise and tools for helping others become balanced by using performant methodologies for personal development and reconstruction.
  3. Gaining expertise in Transformational Leadership by implementing  the following 10 effective mechanisms for running your personal life, your employees and your businesses:
    • Efficient mechanisms for analysis and decision making;
    • Mechanisms for increasing self-analysis and self-reflection capacities;
    • Mechanisms for self-coaching;
    • Mechanisms for crisis and conflict management, and for developing efficient teams;
    • Mechanisms for reconstructing and rebalancing employees;
    • Mechanisms for clarifying and harmonizing employee expectations;
    • Mechanisms for increasing  employees’ confidence and developing their motivation;
    • Mechanisms for developing skills and competencies;
    • Mechanisms for developing and encouraging employee flexibility;
    • Mechanisms for increasing confidentiality and loyalty of employees.
Program’s results – benchmark



Certified Participants


Deliverables used in a program


Livrabilele programului

Business Coaching – purpose and objectives:
  1. Training people so that they will be able to carry out business coaching, and to transform the lives of others and help with the professional development and the reconstruction of their clients.
  2. Transfer a professional format for conducting all activities necessary for business coaching, and also providing turnkey methodology.
  3. Transfering the techniques and methods for business coaching only used by a small group of professionals, to our clients.
25% of the program’s main concepts
  1. Methods for decoding and analyzing the client’s reasoning process.
  2. Behavioral patterns diagnosis for clients, employees, and others.
  3. How to think and act like a businessman.
  4. Mechanisms for analyzing and assessing clients; mechanisms for auto-analysis.
  5. Mechanisms for carrying out the specialized training process.
  6. Professional Business Coaching techniques.
  7. Interrogation techniques in coaching. Complete guide for properly using interrogation techniques with your clients.
  8. Perception assessment techniques, Feedback techniques used in coaching.
  9. Coaching techniques for contracting and calibration.
  10. The underlying mechanisms of a business coaching session.
  11. Techniques for helping clients who experience emotional or cognitive-rational blockages, find relief.
  12. Mechanisms for implementing a coaching-focused culture into your client’s companies.
Clear results of the program
  1. License in Business Coaching;
  2. Turnkey business formats with all folders and documents containing the necessary tools for carrying out activities related to business coaching;
  3. Equipping participants with the skills and expertise needed to ensure employees’ growth and business consolidation;
  4. Mechanisms for self-balancing your personal and professional life;
  5. Professional mechanisms for Self-Coaching;
  6. Mechanisms for releasing negative emotions.
The coordinates of the program

Number of participants/group

25 – 32

Nr. of days/module

Course: 3 days;



Program Consultants

Petre Nicolae

Program target group

General Managers;

Entrepreneurs and owners;

Business Management Consultants;

Children of owners.

Type of certificate/issuing authority


„Business Coach”


Specialist in Business Coaching activity

Number of modules


Nr. Proiecte implementate/program

10 “pro bono” reconstruction and development projects


Complete methodology for personal life and client balancing.

Complete methodology of reconstruction and personal and professional development .

Short description of the program

Second module, Leadership Coaching.

The course is an in-depth sequel of module Nr. 001 and it represents a truly comprehensive model of competent coaching for personal and professional development, the program focusing entirely on rebalancing the leaders of a company, based on the PRP® methodology (People Reconstruction Process).


PRP® (People Reconstruction Process)

Is a methodology for reconstruction and development, which is based on an in-depth diagnosis of the client using four analysis axes and contains all methodology needed for diagnosing and creating change on each one of the axes separately:

  1. Pillar Nr. 001, Faith;
  2. Pillar Nr. 002, Family;
  3. Pillar Nr. 003, Personal strength;
  4. Pillar Nr. 004, Professional.


The methodology includes questionnaires for diagnosing the state of stability, questionnaires  for establishing the fundamental coordinates of personal and professional development, and the deliverables on which the entire system is based on:

  1. Professional Tools for diagnosing balance and imbalance in people;
  2. Full Methodology for analyzing personal imbalances;
  3. Full Methodology for systemic balancing, a 4 axis approach;
  4. Full Methodology for the personal development of managers and people in general.
Achievements of the program in numbers – benchmark



Certified participants


Start-ups in Business Coaching


Deliverables used in a program

Purpose of Leadership Coaching

Is to provide prospective Business Coaches with a whole arsenal of methodologies, which could help General Managers to regain the balance needed to perform in both their personal and professional life.


Also, the methodology helps to create a guiding system for personal life through mechanisms designed to help balance:

  1. Mental state;
  2. The soul or affective state;
  3. The body or the organic state.
25% of the program’s main concepts
  1. Methodology for diagnosing personal balance or imbalance states. PRP® methodology (People Reconstruction Process);
  2. Methodology for identifying customers imbalances on four strategic areas of personal and professional development;
  3. Methodology for identifying negative- destructive and positive constructive patterns of customers or employees and rebalancing mechanisms;
  4. Techniques of reconstruction and development on four pillars of development (PRP®);
  5. Full methodology for identifying family malfunctions and rebalancing with the business;
  6. Six Leadership coaching methods, using them in- depth even after completing the training course;
  7. Mechanisms for eliminating negative emotions and unwanted transfers specific to the Business Coaching activity;
  8. The mechanisms used in the personal development of owners, their children and employees;
  9. Mechanisms for transferring the Business to the Owner’s children;
  10. ….
Clear and immediate results of the program
  1. Complete methodology for balancing, reconstruction and development;
  2. Methodology for reintegrating family members and reinstating the familial balance;
  3. Methodology for rebalancing employees  and helping them throughout their personal and professional development process;
  4. Mechanisms for reaccustoming an employee with the organizational culture;
  5. Methodology for restoring a person’s personal coordinates.
  6. Methodology for personal development.
The coordinates of the program

Number of participants/group

25 – 32

Nr. of days/module

Course: 3 days;



Program Consultants

Petre Nicolae

Program target group

General Managers;

Entrepreneurs and owners,;

Business Management Consultants;

Children of Owners.

Type of certificate/issuing authority


„Business Coach”


Specialist in Business Coaching activity.

Number of modules


Nr. of implemented projects/program



Short description of the program

The third module provides a coach with a real arsenal of methods and techniques that can train and direct employees to better perform at work.

It is known that the classical methods of coaching no longer work in a hostile, toxic and low-performance work environment, so this format helps us change that state of poor performance.

Achievements of the program in numbers – benchmark



Certified participants


Start-ups in business coaching


Deliverables used in a program

Purpose and objectives of the program

Transferring an entire methodology to the coaches that participate in the program, so that they will be able:

  1. To assist company managers in handling conflicts and difficult personalities;
  2. To form a group able to accomplish all the necessary organizational changes and manage change;
  3. To unlock performance across the organization;
  4. To implement mechanisms for solving the following situations: lack of self-confidence, lack of involvement and motivation, lack of emotional control, directed stress, the exaggerations of certain individuals, conflicts between employees etc.
25% of the main concepts of Module III
  1. Performance development coaching;
  2. Effective mechanisms for analysis and decision making;
  3. Mechanisms for improving self-analysis and self-reflection;
  4. Mechanisms for self-coaching;
  5. Mechanisms for Conflict and Crisis Management;
  6. Mechanisms for efficient team development;
  7. Mechanisms for rebuilding and rebalancing employees;
  8. Mechanisms for clarifying and harmonizing the expectations of the employes;
  9. Mechanisms for increasing self-confidence;
  10. Mechanisms for increasing employee motivation;
  11. Mechanisms for developing skills and competencies;
  12. Mechanisms for developing and encouraging employee flexibility;
  13. Mechanisms for increasing employee loyalty and confidentiality;
  14. Coaching mechanisms for situations of “Burn-Out”;
  15. Mechanisms for team coaching;
Clear and immediate results of the program
  1. Full methodology for handling the coaching process in a company;
  2. A complete format for implementing an organizational culture with a focus on coaching;
  3. Implementing a mentoring culture;
  4. Achieving an organizational climate that is efficient.