Thorough Evaluation

It is a program of thorough evaluation of employee performance that aims at complete scanning the real potential of development for managers and establish their coordinates necessary for the team to be equipped with all the skills and expertise necessary for the performance on the job.

Short history of Kruger Appraisal System® evaluation system

In 2008 we identified in our clients companies the need for in-depth evaluation of employees, both in terms of accumulated expertise, the calibration with the job but especially of the development potential ….read more here.

Achievements of the program in numbers – benchmark

Owners, CEO, General managers


Top Managers


Middle Management


Sales Force

To who is thorough assessment addressed?
  1. Companies that want:
    • Identify untapped potential of employees through the inventory of skills, competencies and their expertise.
    • Evaluate individual and group performance of employees and set new directions for development and action.
    • Scan and evaluate thoroughly candidates that are going to occupy a post in the company.
    • Reward personnel through opportunities to acquire new skills and expertise.
  2. General and Top Managers who want a thorough evaluation of their potential for development.

Objectives of Kruger Appraisal System® are:

  1. Gaps Analysis
    • Establishing a difference between job profile and the potential of employees;
  2. Classification of employees by groups of performance:
    • The ones that you can trust and who have relevant and complete expertise;
    • The ones remaining to invest in, are motivated but not competent;
    • Those who need a reformat, but they are demotivated competent or “burn out”;
    • Those who must switch to other jobs or leave the company.
  3. Awareness of the actual employees own performance, own development potential and also the company’s efforts to invest in equipping them with skills and expertise.
  4. Formatting and customizing Integrated Transformational Training program.

Methodology and  deployment Mechanisms

There are 24 strategic, technical and behavioral competencies to be scanned so that we have a full overview of each employee.

  1. Transformational Leadership;
  2. Social and psychological competencies;
  3. Skills related to managing relationships with internal and external customers;
  4. Design and strategy;
  5. Develop and strengthen business acumen;
  6. Performance Management;
  7. Problem solving and decision making;
  8. Influence and integrity;
  9. Motivation and determination;
  10. Professional approach;
  11. Etc …

The program is based on the thorough scanning of employee skills on 4 axes:

  1.  Social psychometric;
  2.  Professional and technical;
  3.  Practical examinations;
  4. The real development potential of the employee

Within the four axes of examination, Kruger Appraisal System® follows:

  1. Identifying the degree of Motivation-determination- loyalty, through professional tools for analysis and interpretation of:
    – the degree of direct and indirect motivation of the employee;
    – the degree of loyalty to the company and management;
    – the degree of self-motivation and ability to motivate team members;
    – the degree of determination and self-determination;
    – the degree of openness – rejection to the system and change;
    – the resistance to stress and especially in crisis situations;
    – an employee’s ability to adapt to the organizational environment;
    – the attitude towards work and towards others;
    – the ability to mobilize and motivate others.
  2. Identify the type of personality and emotional intelligence (EQ) by professional tools for analysis and interpretation of:
    – the predominant temperament and components of an employee’s personality;
    – the type of employee’s emotional intelligence and the ability to interact with others;
    – the degree of empathy;
    – cognitive dissonance and consonance.
  3. Identifying the social intelligence through professional tools for analysis and interpretation of:
    – how one understands the need to communicate with others;
    – tolerance at different professional and social stages of development;
    – the ability to adapt to social and professional environment.
  4. Identifying the native and the newfound intelligence – IQ by professional tools for analysis and interpretation of:
    – the reaction rate;
    – the type of reaction to external stimuli;
    – the capacity to anticipate reactions of the other;
    – the depth of thought, ability to process information;
    – the adaptation to the economic circumstances.
  5. Identifying the team work style and usage of behavioral analysis tools to analyze and interpret:
    – the ability to plan and organize people, activities and processes;
    – the way in which roles and responsibilities are assumed within a team;
    – the ability to form and reform the people and teams;
    – the ability to predict and analyze undertaken actions and resources needed;
    – the ability to coordinate and direct the people;
    – the psychological ability to motivate and positively influence others;
    – the ability to complete an activity, without the intervention of others.
  6. Identify professional knowledge and expertise – identify the level of training aimed at testing the depth of professional knowledge:
    – Needed for Job functions;
    – Needed for professional personal development;
    – Needed for relationships with the other positions in the company;
    – outside the position held by the employee;
    – the difference of perception between what the employees think about their professional level and reality.

Concrete results of the program

Are the following:

  1. Awareness of employees:
    • personal professional status of their” how well they are prepared professionally;
    • a company’s efforts to invest in employees;
    • efforts undertaken by every employee for accumulating skills and expertise required by their position;
  2. Personal assessment sheet:
    • a deliverable of 25-30 pages;
    • a single indicator and clear conclusions for each employee;
    • a Spider-chart highlighting the outcome of each indicator.
  3. Clear coordinates in customizing the training program:
    • The difficulty level of the program;
    • Competencies that need to be covered;
    • The number of modules within the program.

For those interested!

If you are in a situation in which you have to organize the company on the principles of business performance and you need a performing team of Top Managers.