Transformational Consulting

It is a professional combination between a process of equipping the top management with competencies and the consultancy process of implementation of 20 projects within the company.

It is the newest and most efficient process of organizational transformation of a business and consists of transferring the entire consulting methodology to the target group so that they become consultants in developing and establishing their own companies.

Achivements of the program in numbers

Reorganized companies


Reorganized sales departments


Reorganized HR departments


Companies in insolvency reorganized

Target group

Top Management of a company

Participants at “GM Master Class Academy”

Methodology used

The consulting methodology used in this process is called MOA – Matrix for organization of activities.

The entire consulting methodology necessary for reorganization, development and consolidation of a business is transferred to a group of minimum 7 and maximum 14 top managers.

The transfer is done through 8 training modules, followed by 22 projects to be carried out and implemented in the company.

After generating the projects by specific consulting mechanisms, these are implemented in the company. In this way the company will eliminate all identified malfunctions before the program start-up.

All participants will be equipped with the entire reorganization, development and business consolidation methodology comprised of:

  1. Complete methodology for auditing all departments through: methods, professional tools, mechanisms and deliverables.
  2. Full methodology for diagnosing the company climate. Access to diagnostic software, company analysis and reformatting company climate. The entire climate reformatting package is delivered and transferred.
  3. Full methodology for diagnosing the internal environment.
  4. Full methodology for diagnosing on 4 consultancy axis:
    • a diagnosis the basic objectives of the company;
    • a diagnosis of systems;
    • a diagnosis and thorough evaluation of positions and employees;
    • a diagnosis of the cultural climate.
  5. Methodology of realizing and implementing business strategies;
  6. Consulting mechanisms for implementing management by objectives;
  7. Mechanisms for establishing performance indicators for each department and post;
  8. Mechanisms for establishing and implementing performance management;
  9. Consulting mechanisms necessary to achieve and implement a professional system of payroll, compensation and benefits.

Purpose of Transformational Consultancy

Is to equip the entire management team of a company with all consulting methodologies necessary for the reorganization, development and consolidation of businesses.

Becoming consultants in business and team management, it will be easier to get involved with changes and have a clearer overview on how to consolidate the company.

Ideal candidate for Transformational Consultancy

  1. There are companies that have more than 50 employees, at least 7 directors in Top Management.
  2. General Managers and Owners in the “Open” program- GM Master Class Academy.

For those interested!

If you are in a situation in which you have to organize the company on the principles of business performance and you need a performing team of Top Managers.