About CBC Romania
Everything started in 2005 when in Romania there were 2503 training companies, and we were in the last place.
With a team of organizational management professionals, performance management experts, and a tremendous desire to succeed, we have reached a top four spot in the industry.
The beginning was difficult, with many obstacles, and taking into consideration that the first 10 consultancy companies in Romania had been in the field for at least 10 years before us, we had some tough competitors.
Without knowing exactly what we have to do and how to do it, we started doing what the others did!? In other words, we did not have a concrete work methodology or the transformational programs we have now, all we had was the desire to perform and excel in what we were doing.
At this moment, we totally changed what we used to do in 2005 and now we are asking ourselves: How did we create such a solid company out of nothing?
We’ve gone from a “do-it-all” company to a company that’s “doing just the right thing.” In this sense, we have become experts in Transformational Consulting (training + consultancy in implementation) programs in four out of five business areas.
At the moment we have consulting methodologies able to help our clients transform their business format, leadership format and most importantly, to turn their team into one that is successful and performant.
We are a company that specializes in Transformational Consultancy®. In other words, we have a methodology that enables us to equip our clients with all the skills, tools, deliverables and the expertise needed to reorganize, develop and consolidate the company.
Why Transformational Consultancy®?!
Because we want our clients to be able to develop and consolidate their company or business at the highest standards, on their own, without needing the help from a consultancy company.
Also, the top management in the company will be equipped with all the skills and expertise needed to organize the business and manage the performance of its subordinate employees.
What does Transformational Consulting mean!?
It is a combination between the process of information transfer (full consulting methodology) and consultancy in implementing over 25 projects designed to help the company develop and operate on performant business formats.
Our areas of expertise are:
Integrated Transformational® Training:
- Professional training + Consultancy in implementation;
- Complete methodology for reorganizing departments, developing and consolidating a business;
- Equipping Top Management with all the skills and expertise required to be performant in their job.
Business management consultancy:
- Reorganizing the departments and the company;
- Mapping processes and management systems;
- Implementing an objective-based management;
- Implementing indicators and performance standards;
- Implementation of professional evaluation and payroll systems.
Comprehensive Employee Assessment, Kruger Appraisal System®:
- Complete scanning of the full potential of the Top & Middle Management;
- Full scanning of the sales team’s potential.
Specialized recruitment for Top Management, Kruger Recruitment System®:
- Only Top Management and Directors.
Balancing Company Leaders:
- Leadership Coaching;
- Mentoring and Business Coaching, PRP® (People Reconstruction Process).
Our strategic objectives are the following:
For Owners and Employees:
- To completely differentiate ourselves from other similar companies on the market:
- We specialized just in Top & Middle Management;
- We have a full license and methodology for transformational consultancy;
- We acquired well over 490 professional videos along with the consulting methodology;
- Stopped being “specialists in everything” and started doing what we know best.
- Create a supportive environment and a consolidated business:
- Our employees benefit from personal and professional development programs;
- The business functions on the basis of some of the best performance management formats.
Towards the clients:
- Being responsible and only helping them if we are capable of it;
- Turning their employees into transformational leaders, and their businesses into performant business environments.
Towards the society:
- Helping managers stuck in the phenomenon of professional de-fragmentation or “Burnout”;
- Helping the youth to easily adapt to the needs of a corporation;
- Respecting the laws of the country in order to avoid conflict with state bodies;
- Striving to be an example of moral and professional conduct for those around us.
ABOUT GM Masterclass Academy
Starting from the European market’s acute need for companies and businesses that function in accordance with the most performant formats of business organization and structure, CBC Romania will become the most important provider for Know-How transfer, and transformational consulting in Romania and more.
By transferring the necessary methodology, General Managers and Company Owners in Romania will be able to reorganize, develop and consolidate their businesses.
Starting from the vision to become the most important landmark in the field of transformational consultancy transfer, the mission of CBC Romania is to make the necessary efforts in:
- Helping Entrepreneurs and General Managers in Romania to have certainty in addressing and managing a business;
- Having the most simplified and performant consultancy methodologies in the business management field;
- Having the most experienced consultants in Romania;
- Having the best results in regards to helping our clients.
Our success is based on a perfect combination between a methodology for transferring our Know-How to the clients, and the ability to generate mechanisms for organizational change which allows for reorganizing, developing and consolidating a business.
Altough we are not relatives but we are a family of professionals!
We are experts in business management and holders of in-depth skills in all of our business areas.
Our consultants have been working for more than 10 years in the company and they have more than 15 years of experience in organizational management, which helps us to differentiate from other similar companies on the market.
Also, all CBC Romania’s consultants have a “Business Management Consultant” certificate, they are certified business coaches and they have thousands of hours of work and a lot of passion for what they are doing.
Our systemic approach is based on the best-performing methodologies and models for developing and consolidating a business.
We took on the role of being a “reference point” for our clients and employees and that’s why we are in a continuous process of accumulating competencies and expertise in everything we do.
Also, in order to be able to fulfill the role we took on, we are strongly focused on our own personal growth and on constantly broadening our horizons and knowledge.
We use professional methodologies and we have certifications in the field of business reorganization and development, in-depth evaluation, recruitment and selection of key people and also in Business Coaching.
Continuous transformation, 360°
“The best way to control your future is to invent it”. In this sense, we understand that “every day a person must become better than he was the day before”.
The power to transform others becomes a virtue when each of us has control over the transformations we can make. Thus, we have taken on the role of “transformers” of ours, of our families, and last but not least of our clients.
Besides the power to transform, we also need professional tools able to guide our actions and results, hence our success in what we do.
We are regarded by our clients as leaders able to transform regular employees into leaders, able to transform everything around them.
Work and passion are the motor of our success!
It is said that when work and passion come together, success will quickly follow.
We put our hearts in what we do and thanks to our business formats and expertise, we are performers in our work and we excel in dealing with our clients.
The most difficult moment in the life of a consultant is when you have to decide whether to tell a client the harsh truth or let him continue making mistakes and in this way maintain a good relationship with him.
We undoubtedly choose to tell our clients what we think, in a direct way, no matter the cost.
We do not lie to our clients and we don’t “know everything”. In matters beyond our expertise, we advise our clients to seek help from other specialists with greater expertise than ours.
We are people with strong characters and we are endowed with the ability to be honest and fair with our clients, while still being professional. Equal treatment for all clients, fair and open attitude are just few of the ingredients of our success.
Direct approach has brought us more success than failure.
No matter how painful the direct approach is, it represents another important factor of success for our team.
Volunteering is an act of courage and a sign of affective and emotional maturity!
We take the risk of helping people who want to change but who can’t do more because of their emotional or affective blockages.
We help our colleagues and we get involved so that each one of us can have a better and more balanced life.
We get involved and implement our client’s projects for them when they do not have the ability to do so themselves, so that they wont give up halfway down the road towards change.
In a world where “everyone is a jack of all trades,” we chose the professional and systemic way of doing things.
The everyday stress that we have to deal with inhibits our initiative, imagination and creativity, and last but not least, our right to live a good life. We took it upon ourselves to help leaders and managers be more balanced and to be able to perform without having to stress about how to live their lives and lead their businesses, and all that was achieved through a responsible and professional approach.
All of our programs are transformational. This means that each program follows a consulting methodology in implementing all the projects generated by our clients.
We have a real arsenal of mechanisms designed to change and transform a business and redirect it away from insolvency and turn it to success.
We realized that 90% of Romanian General Managers and Entrepreneurs need “structure” in addressing business issues so, in that regard, we have acquired the best performing methodologies that are designed to help them make simple changes with immediate impact on their business and which can easily be transferred to their top management.
In this context, we are prepared to help our clients by using:
- 10 consulting methodologies for reorganizing a business;
- Professional mechanisms and formats for leading and developing a business;
- Strategy formats designed to consolidate the business;
- “Master Class” type academies through which we transfer our entire arsenal of consultancy methods and instruments to the participants. Within these academies, there are transferred to the participants all the With these mechanisms, methods, instruments, and deliverables our clients will be able to reorganize the departments and posts and, ultimately, instate a “performance-based management”;
- 490 professional videos, required in the process of explaining methodologies.
We are fully satisfied and secure because we have the best consultancy methodology, that will ensure the transformation of our clients’ businesses.
Our consultancy methodology covers:
- The reorganization of the company (reformatting and structure formalization, mapping structural links, designing departments and functions, mapping business processes etc.).
- Implementing a performance-based management (MBO implementation mechanisms, mechanisms for implementing performance standards and indicators, performance evaluation systems, comp&ben payroll systems etc).
- Designing and Implementing Business Performance Systems (Sales Management System, HRM Systems etc.)
- Organizational Development (reformatting the climate, implementing a mentoring-focused organizational culture etc.).
The methodology includes:
- License for use;
- Mechanisms for designing and implementing business systems;
- Diagnosis and audit tools for departments and the climate;
- Professional videos explaining the processes;
- Deliverables for the system.
If you are interested in a license, please contact us.
Transformation Mechanisms for Leaders
Each Leader has his or her emotional luggage which is usually passed down from generation to generation.
What does this actually mean!? Lack of performance does not have its main source in the lack of competence but rather in emotional blockages that may affect relationships with others and/or business relationships, and job-related relationships.
What do we do!?
- Diagnosis methodology for emotional and psychological stability. In-depth evaluation for leaders meant to find any dysfunctions and their causes.
- Personal rebalancing mechanisms (mentoring+coaching)
- Mechanisms for equipping leaders with competencies and expertise. Building a professional program for managing change and performance.
- Plan for psychological motivation and for increasing self-motivation
- Etc….
What are the results!?
A strong and balanced leader that is able to handle the business.
Personal and professional development
We own a methodology for professional development and reconstruction, PRP®(People Reconstruction Process).
The methodology allows us to reconstruct the psychosocioprofessional features of a leader, helping him to reach the balance he needs to perform in his field of business.
The methodology is based on the following:
- Professional tests and questionnaires for emotional and psychological stability;
- Patterns for identifying the type of imbalance;
- Mechanisms for reconstruction and development;
- Mechanisms for building a personal and professional life guidance system;
- Reconstruction and development plans;
- Deliverables for the whole process.
Who can we help!?
- Managers who have issues with the family-work balance;
- Managers who suffer from “Burnout Syndrome”;
- Managers that find themselves in a state of “Professional Desegmentation”;
- Leaders who are demotivated and who lack determination.
In a world where it is very difficult to verify authenticity, most companies try to evaluate their employees using non-accredited, uncertified and uncalibrated instruments in regards to Romania’s market and population.
Kruger Appraisal System is an in-depth evaluation program, where each Top Manager or employee is scanned based on four performance axes. Using this method we can achieve a comprehensive overview of the person that is tested.
The program identifies the yet untapped potential, critical personal success factors, but also the behaviors that need to be discarded or the gaps that need to be filled.
The program is one of the best performing tools which can help us establish all the necessary steps we need to take in order to equip the employees with competencies but also establish if they are suitable or not for a certain position (see in-depth assessment).
Most classical training programs are not based on a methodology for transferring concepts to program participants. This is due to the lack of mechanisms and methodologies for embedding and implementing concepts. For this reason, we have moved away from delivering such training programs.
All our training programs are transformational, meaning that, at the core of each program is a consulting methodology able to turn program participants into consultants in their own job/position, in the department which they manage or in their own company. Each transformational program has between 2 and 10 modules, it has a methodology for delivering and embedding mechanisms, instruments, and deliverables. It also has a number of projects to be generated and implemented. Projects, once implemented, resolve all of the company’s dysfunctions that are in the same area as the implemented program is (eg: Reorganization of departments and company).
Dear guests,
To excel in what we do, we have obtained all the certifications and credentials to help us achieve a high standard of quality and, above all, to have an expert approach.

Dear guests,
A responsible company with high standards of professionalism uses methodologies, tools and professional deliverables in dealing with its clients.
To guarantee the quality of our services, we use consulting methodologies to help our clients transform their companies into successful ones.
Our licenses and methodologies are intuitive, easy to understand, easy to use and able to bring immediate and concrete value to our customers.
We wish you much success in using them!
Dear visitor,
Securing a business in Romania is the hardest part in the context in which plagiarism is a “second nature”.
To eliminate the temptation to plagiarize our work, CBC Romania has registered and legally secured through the bodies of the Romanian State: OSIM, ORDA, CopyRo etc., the following:
- All the methodologies, mechanisms, processes, tools and business deliverables.
- All licenses and formats business management consultancy.
- All formats according to which the Thorough Evaluation and Kruger Appraisal System programs take place.
- All Business Academies formats, themes, key phrases, and Integrated Transformational Training formats.
All rights to possible litigation have been conceded to a law firm in Romania that will take necessary action to recover damages and prejudices that affect, in any way, the well-being of CBC Romania, regarding copyright infringement.
If you are interested in protecting your business, we can put you in touch with our lawyers.
We wish you all the best and success in your business!

CBC Romania’s clients are national and multinational companies which operate in the following lines of business: Aeronautics, Medical Equipment, Agriculture, Insurance, Associations and Foundations, Auto, Banking, Clinics and Hospitals, Construction, Consulting, FMCG, Gambling, Hotelier, Real Estate, Industrial & amp; C, Media, Pharma, Services, Tourism.
To view them please be sure to scroll through the business lines below:

Blue Air
Direct Aero
Delta Hospital
Associations and foundations
Soros Foundation
Como Consulting
Dal Consulting
Hotel Prahova
Lux Garden
Rin Grand Hotel
Banc Post
Express Finance
Alpha Rocas
Forum Invest
Medical Equipment
Medident Exim
Nova Intermed
Karo Aon
Otto Broker
Avia Motors
Case Utilaje
Dacia – Renault
EVW Holding
Adevarul Holding
National TV
Oferte Speciale
Evo Plant
Expert Agribusiness
Real estate
Coldwel Bankers
Euro Metropola
Fidelia Casa
Imobiliar Expert Grup
Negro 2000
Cramele Oprisor
ADM Farm
Dr Reddys
Alka Trading
CEZ Romania
Compa Sibiu
Alfa Cluj
Alliance Construct
Casa Noastra
Delta ACM Grup
VP Holding
It & C
Aline – Acer
Bull Romania
Concept Electronics