
Hello dear applicants,

For a company that specializes in recruitment, selection and organizational integration of new employees, the best step to take is to calibrate the expectations of future employees with the ones of the employer.

In order for us to be able to help you find, not the best job, but the most suitable one, please only send your application if your profile is a perfect match for what we are looking for.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Hello dear applicants,

If you are looking for a job but you have yet to benefit from any support or counseling, then you are on the right page.

CBC Romania is specialized in recruiting and selecting Top & Middle Management positions only so, we kindly ask you not to send your CV if you are not part of one of the two categories.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Send us your resume!





Pozitia pentru care aplic

Sunt de acord sa primesc informatii din partea CBC Romania(*)

Incarcare CV
(doc sau pdf, max. 2Mb) (*)

Alege fisier

Please, fill in the form.



Post urmarit



Data nasterii




Carnet de conducere









Studii medii



Studii superioare




Studii postuniversitare




Tip studiu

Asteptari salariale:

Limbi straine:

Orice alte completari la CV-ul tau:

Hello dear visitors,

This section was created in order to help those who do not have work experience but would like to develop the necessary skills and abilities in order to perform within the field of Business Management Consulting and Human Resources Consulting.

The applicants will receive the status of  “intern” or “practitioner” in a consultancy company.

The very skilled young individuals who are determined to start a career with CBC, will receive basic training and will be provided with the opportunity to find a workplace which suits their needs and requirements.

Henceforth it’s necessary for you to decide if you want to take advantage of this opportunity and contact us in order to accept you as an applicant.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Post Name

Junior Event Planner

Hiring Company
CBC Romania
Basic requirements

At least 12 months of experience in a similar position.

Job Profile

Good communication and interrelational skills;

Ability to persuade;

Ability to sell.


1. Arranging company events;

2. Establishing and maintaining a good relationship with our clients;

3. Managing and maintaining the relationship with suppliers.

Other benefits
Post Name

Business Developer

Hiring Company
CBC Romania
Basic requirements

At least 2 years of experience in a similar position.

Profilul Postului

In-depth knowledge in:

1. Managing databases;

2. Contacting clients;

3. Sales pitching;

4. Negotiating and closing sales;

5. Managing and maintaining the relationship with our clients.


1. Contacting customers and closing sales;

2. Business development;

3. Promote your business.

Other benefits

500 Euro+bonus after the integration period of 6 months

Post Name

Chief Accountant

Hiring Company
CBC Romania
Basic requirements

At least 2 years of experience in a similar position.

Job Profile

In-depth knowledge in:

1. Patrimonial accounting;
2. Managing the patrimony of cnf. L82 / 91;
3. Registration of accounting documents;
4. Achieve Libra;
5. Outsourced balance sheet.


1. Registering accounting records and documents;

2. Submitting statements according to the legal criterias;

3. Heritage management.

Other benefits

800-1000 Euro

Post Name

Human Resources Manager

Hiring Company
CBC Romania
Basic requirements

At least 2 years of experience in a similar position.

Job Profile

Specialist in:

1. The function of admin;

2. Recruitment and selection;

3. Payroll;

4. Career management.


1. Selection and integration of new employees;

2. Ensuring the functioning and the salary system;

3. Ensuring the company’s administrative function;

4. Equipping skills and managing employee performance.

4. Ensuring the organizational development of the company.

Other benefits

1200 Euro

Post Name

Human Resources Director

Hiring Company
CBC Romania
Basic requirements

At least 4 years of experience in a similar position.

Job Profile

Specialist in:

1. The process of implementing recruitment systems;

2. Management by objectives;

3. Performance management.


1. Implementing a management focused on objectives and performance;

2. Strategic reorganization of departments and positions;

3. Ensuring the company’s organi-  zational development.

Other benefits

3000 Euro

Post Name


Hiring Company
CBC Romania
Basic requirements

At least 4 years of experience in a similar position.

Job Profile

1. Strategic department reorganizations;

2. MBO implementation;

3. Implementation of performance standards;

4. Implementation of evaluation systems;

5. Implementation of payroll systems + Comp + ben.


Coordination of three departments:

1. Accounting department;

2. Controlling Department;

3. Department of Finance.

Other benefits

minimum 4500 Euro

Denumirea si descriere proiectului

Acumularea de Competente in Recrutarea specializata

Grup Tinta

Studenti care vor sa se specializeze in domenul Resurselor Umane.

Perioada derularii

3 luni

Septembrie-noiembrie 2016

Rezultatele asteptate

Aplicatie pana la data de 01 septembrie 2016.

Denumirea si descriere proiectului

Acumularea de Competente in evaluarea performantelor

Grup Tinta

Studenti care vor sa se specializeze in domeniul Evaluarii performantelor

Perioada derularii

3 luni

Septembrie-noiembrie 2016

Ianuarie –martie 2017

Rezultatele asteptate

Aplicatie pana la data de 01 septembrie 2016.

Denumirea si descriere proiectului

Acumularea de Competente in domeniul vanzarilor

Grup Tinta

Studenti care vor sa se specializeze in domeniul vanzarilor

Perioada derularii

3 luni

Septembrie-noiembrie 2016

Ianuarie –martie 2017

Rezultatele asteptate

Aplicatie pana la data de 01 septembrie 2016.

Denumirea si descriere proiectului

Acumularea de Competente in domenul social media

Grup Tinta

Studenti din facultati de Marketing si Comunicare

Perioada derularii

3 luni

Septembrie-noiembrie 2016

Ianuarie –martie 2017

Rezultatele asteptate

Aplicatie pana la data de 01 septembrie 2016.