Cbc Romania News Aparitii tv presa

CBC: How to “revitalize” an employee who once had good results and now is in a deadlock, with an investment of 5,000 euro

4One of the biggest challenges for managers is currently reconstructing the performance of an employee who, for various reasons, doesn’t get good results anymore and makes repeated mistakes that cost the company. Such an employee needs a reconstruction and personal development plan and in no case to be fired, Petre Nicolae, head of training and consulting company CBC Romania, told wall-street.ro.

“There are employees who have performed well in the past and have had excellent results, and suddenly they were no longer able to perform daily activities, have delays in their reactions are becoming more stressed and are reluctant for any extra effort, that in the past would have done in an instant. What is actually happening?!
We can say that the employee is demotivated or malicious, but that helps neither him nor us. Well, the employee may suffer from a strong affective emotional deadlock or a beginning of anxiety or depression, “said Petre Nicolae.



Autor: p.nicolae | 23 February, 2016 | No Comments | |
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GM Masterclass Academy


Petre Nicolae, general manager CBC Romania, a company specialized in transformational consulting, organizational management and strategic business coaching, team building and integrated transformational training, has an experience of over 15 years in running businesses, occupying in turn positions of top management at the largest national and multinational companies. Since 2003, however, Nicolae chose to dedicate to consultancy, with a specialization in strategic and organizational management. GM Master Class Academy was founded four years ago, when he participated at an intensive training program at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom). After completing he realized that everyone present, around 250 executives from the largest corporations in the world, have left with very good ideas, but nothing clear to help them in their business.

“I asked if there is a license to such a program, I purchased one and adapted it specifically for the market in Romania and especially for entrepreneurial management in Romania,” says Nicolae. But to match the market and management in Romania, the program had to be adapted and that in more than two years.

Autor: p.nicolae | 10 November, 2015 | No Comments | |
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Development is the key. Employees allocate thousands of euros for personal and professional training


The economic situation that we feel in recent years has led to important changes in all areas. Motivated by diminishing budgets allocated by companies to training of employees on one hand, and the desire to perform in a difficult market, on the other hand, more and more employees don’t wait to be sent on company trainings, but their pay professional development courses themselves.

“Increasingly more employees, especially at the top and middle management, allocate own funds for training, but also for thorough evaluation and business coaching. Thus, a top manager allocates between 2500-4000 euros / year when they realize the need for personal and professional development, “said Petre Nicolae for wall-street.ro, managing partner in the training and consultancy company CBC Romania.

Autor: p.nicolae | 25 August, 2013 | No Comments | |
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Business transfer from parents to gifted children

copii supra

In the business world in Romania there is a new trend – the transfer of responsibility in managing companies, from parents to children.
Most of the good news about our children going to study in another country than in Romania are related to children who have a very good but not a very good financial situation. There is the stereotype that most children in Romania and “chop” the money parents becoming parasites of their own lives.

Autor: p.nicolae | 16 July, 2013 | No Comments | |
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Business Coaching an alternative to a company exit from crisis

IMG_0071Roughly two months ago, in one of the courses organized by CBC Romania at the Ramada Hotel, one of the participants entered the room and addressed me directly: “Sir, if you are one of charlatans who call themselves business coaches and take people’s money for nothing, I will leave the room and I will embarrass you in front of 30 people.” This person is a famous lawyer from Romania, who, through the need of a coaching service, met all kinds of “business coaches” who were between 27 and 35 years, were practicing coaching for 20 years but they couldn’t successfully measure their results without superlative indicators.

Autor: p.nicolae | 10 June, 2013 | No Comments | |
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If you do not act to transform the management of your company, death comes quick and for sure!

29Criza financiara a adus multe comportamente eficiente si bune, cum ar fi : cresterea nivelului de responsabilitate la locul de munca, eficientizarea proceselor pentru obtinerea rezultatelor, gestionarea minutioasa a resurselor disponibile, grija fata de un loc de munca,etc… dar si comportamente si atitudini generatoare de esec, falimente si insolvente autogenerate.

Unul dintre aceste comportamente sinucigase este acela prin care proprietarii sau managerii generali isi spun; “trebuie sa mai asteptam ca lucrurile sa se mai aseze putin, dupa care vedem noi ce vom face” sau, “din mai 2013 lucrurile or sa mearga mai bine si piata o sa isi dea drumul….”

De fapt, nu fac altceva decat sa isi genereze prescriptii concrete cu privire la moartea inevitabila sau falimentul companiilor pentru care au trudit de mai bine de 15-20 de ani.


Autor: p.nicolae | 26 March, 2013 | No Comments | |
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